28 research outputs found

    Generalized Cyclic p-Contractions and p-Contraction Pairs Some Properties of Asymptotic Regularity Best Proximity Points, Fixed Points

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    This paper studies a general p-contractive condition of a self-mapping T on X, where (X ,d) is either a metric space or a dislocated metric space, which combines the contribution to the upper-bound of d(Tx , Ty), where x and y are arbitrary elements in X of a weighted combination of the distances d(x,y) , d(x,Tx),d(y,Ty),d(x,Ty),d(y,Tx), |d(x,Tx)−d(y,Ty)| and |d(x,Ty)−d(y,Tx)|. The asymptotic regularity of the self-mapping T on X and the convergence of Cauchy sequences to a unique fixed point are also discussed if (X,d) is complete. Subsequently, (T, S) generalized cyclic p-contraction pairs are discussed on a pair of non-empty, in general, disjoint subsets of X. The proposed contraction involves a combination of several distances associated with the (T, S)-pair. Some properties demonstrated are: (a) the asymptotic convergence of the relevant sequences to best proximity points of both sets is proved; (b) the best proximity points are unique if the involved subsets are closed and convex, the metric is norm induced, or the metric space is a uniformly convex Banach space. It can be pointed out that both metric and a metric-like (or dislocated metric) possess the symmetry property since their respective distance values for any given pair of elements of the corresponding space are identical after exchanging the roles of both elements.This research was funded by Basq ue Government, Grant number IT1555-22

    Stability Results for Switched Linear Systems with Constant Discrete Delays

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    Es reproducción del documento publicado en http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2008/543145This paper investigates the stability properties of switched systems possessing several parameterizations (or configurations) while being subject to internal constant point delays. Some of the stability results are formulated based on Gronwall's lemma for global exponential stability, and they are either dependent on or independent of the delay size but they depend on the switching law through the requirement of a minimum residence time. Another set of results concerned with the weaker property of global asymptotic stability is also obtained as being independent of the switching law, but still either dependent on or independent of the delay size, since they are based on the existence of a common Krasovsky-Lyapunov functional for all the above-mentioned configurations. Extensions to a class of polytopic systems and to a class of regular time-varying systems are also discussed.Ministerio de Educación DPI2006-00714 y GIC07143-IT-269-07 ; Gobierno Vasco SAIOTEK SPED06UN10 y SPE07UN0

    On Some Properties of a Class of Eventually Locally Mixed Cyclic/Acyclic Multivalued Self-Mappings with Application Examples

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    In this paper, a multivalued self-mapping is defined on the union of a finite number of subsets p(≥2) of a metric space which is, in general, of a mixed cyclic and acyclic nature in the sense that it can perform some iterations within each of the subsets before executing a switching action to its right adjacent one when generating orbits. The self-mapping can have combinations of locally contractive, non-contractive/non-expansive and locally expansive properties for some of the switching between different pairs of adjacent subsets. The properties of the asymptotic boundedness of the distances associated with the elements of the orbits are achieved under certain conditions of the global dominance of the contractivity of groups of consecutive iterations of the self-mapping, with each of those groups being of non-necessarily fixed size. If the metric space is a uniformly convex Banach one and the subsets are closed and convex, then some particular results on the convergence of the sequences of iterates to the best proximity points of the adjacent subsets are obtained in the absence of eventual local expansivity for switches between all the pairs of adjacent subsets. An application of the stabilization of a discrete dynamic system subject to impulsive effects in its dynamics due to finite discontinuity jumps in its state is also discussed.Basque Government, Grant IT1555-22

    On a Controlled Se(Is)(Ih)(Iicu)AR Epidemic Model with Output Controllability Issues to Satisfy Hospital Constraints on Hospitalized Patients

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    An epidemic model, the so-called SE(Is)(Ih)(Iicu)AR epidemic model, is proposed which splits the infectious subpopulation of the classical SEIR (Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious-Recovered) model into four subpopulations, namely asymptomatic infectious and three categories of symptomatic infectious, namely slight infectious, non-intensive care infectious, and intensive care hospitalized infectious. The exposed subpopulation has four different transitions to each one of the four kinds of infectious subpopulations governed under eventually different proportionality parameters. The performed research relies on the problem of satisfying prescribed hospitalization constraints related to the number of patients via control interventions. There are four potential available controls which can be manipulated, namely the vaccination of the susceptible individuals, the treatment of the non-intensive care unit hospitalized patients, the treatment of the hospitalized patients at the intensive care unit, and the transmission rate which can be eventually updated via public interventions such as isolation of the infectious, rules of groups meetings, use of face masks, decrees of partial or total quarantines, and others. The patients staying at the non-intensive care unit and those staying at the intensive care unit are eventually, but not necessarily, managed as two different hospitalized subpopulations. The controls are designed based on output controllability issues in the sense that the levels of hospital admissions are constrained via prescribed maximum levels and the measurable outputs are defined by the hospitalized patients either under a joint consideration of the sum of both subpopulations or separately. In this second case, it is possible to target any of the two hospitalized subpopulations only or both of them considered as two different components of the output. Different algorithms are given to design the controls which guarantee, if possible, that the prescribed hospitalization constraints hold. If this were not possible, because the levels of serious infection are too high according to the hospital availability means, then the constraints are revised and modified accordingly so that the amended ones could be satisfied by a set of controls. The algorithms are tested through numerically worked examples under disease parameterizations of COVID-19.This research received funding from the Spanish Institute of Health Carlos III through Grant COV 20/01213, the Spanish Government and the European Commission through Grant RTI2018-094336-B-I00 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE) and the Basque Government for Grant IT1207-19

    On Confinement and Quarantine Concerns on an SEIAR Epidemic Model with Simulated Parameterizations for the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    This paper firstly studies an SIR (susceptible-infectious-recovered) epidemic model without demography and with no disease mortality under both total and under partial quarantine of the susceptible subpopulation or of both the susceptible and the infectious ones in order to satisfy the hospital availability requirements on bed disposal and other necessary treatment means for the seriously infectious subpopulations. The seriously infectious individuals are assumed to be a part of the total infectious being described by a time-varying proportional function. A time-varying upper-bound of those seriously infected individuals has to be satisfied as objective by either a total confinement or partial quarantine intervention of the susceptible subpopulation. Afterwards, a new extended SEIR (susceptible-exposed-infectious-recovered) epidemic model, which is referred to as an SEIAR (susceptible-exposed-symptomatic infectious-asymptomatic infectious-recovered) epidemic model with demography and disease mortality is given and focused on so as to extend the above developed ideas on the SIR model. A proportionally gain in the model parameterization is assumed to distribute the transition from the exposed to the infectious into the two infectious individuals (namely, symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals). Such a model is evaluated under total or partial quarantines of all or of some of the subpopulations which have the effect of decreasing the number of contagions. Simulated numerical examples are also discussed related to model parameterizations of usefulness related to the current COVID-19 pandemic outbreaks.The Spanish Institute of Health Carlos III under Grant COV 20/01213, the Spanish Government and the European Commission under Grant RTI2018-094336-B-I00 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE), and the Basque Government under Grant IT1207-19 funded this research. The Spanish Institute of Health Carlos III funded the APC

    On a Discrete SEIR Epidemic Model with Exposed Infectivity, Feedback Vaccination and Partial Delayed Re-Susceptibility

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    A new discrete Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious-Recovered (SEIR) epidemic model is proposed, and its properties of non-negativity and (both local and global) asymptotic stability of the solution sequence vector on the first orthant of the state-space are discussed. The calculation of the disease-free and the endemic equilibrium points is also performed. The model has the following main characteristics: (a) the exposed subpopulation is infective, as it is the infectious one, but their respective transmission rates may be distinct; (b) a feedback vaccination control law on the Susceptible is incorporated; and (c) the model is subject to delayed partial re-susceptibility in the sense that a partial immunity loss in the recovered individuals happens after a certain delay. In this way, a portion of formerly recovered individuals along a range of previous samples is incorporated again to the susceptible subpopulation. The rate of loss of partial immunity of the considered range of previous samples may be, in general, distinct for the various samples. It is found that the endemic equilibrium point is not reachable in the transmission rate range of values, which makes the disease-free one to be globally asymptotically stable. The critical transmission rate which confers to only one of the equilibrium points the property of being asymptotically stable (respectively below or beyond its value) is linked to the unity basic reproduction number and makes both equilibrium points to be coincident. In parallel, the endemic equilibrium point is reachable and globally asymptotically stable in the range for which the disease-free equilibrium point is unstable. It is also discussed the relevance of both the vaccination effort and the re-susceptibility level in the modification of the disease-free equilibrium point compared to its reached component values in their absence. The influences of the limit control gain and equilibrium re-susceptibility level in the reached endemic state are also explicitly made viewable for their interpretation from the endemic equilibrium components. Some simulation examples are tested and discussed by using disease parameterizations of COVID-19.The work has been funded by Grant RTI2018-094336-B-I00 from MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE; by Grant IT1207-19, by the Basque Government and by Grant COV 20/01213 from Spanish Institute of Health Carlos III

    On the Supervision of a Saturated SIR Epidemic Model with Four Joint Control Actions for a Drastic Reduction in the Infection and the Susceptibility through Time

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    This paper presents and studies a new epidemic SIR (Susceptible–Infectious–Recovered) model with susceptible recruitment and eventual joint vaccination efforts for both newborn and susceptible individuals. Furthermore, saturation effects in the infection incidence terms are eventually assumed for both the infectious and the susceptible subpopulations. The vaccination action on newborn individuals is assumed to be applied to a fraction of them while that on the susceptible general population is of linear feedback type reinforced with impulsive vaccination actions (in practice, very strong and massive vaccination controls) at certain time points, based on information on the current levels of the susceptible subpopulation. Apart from the above vaccination controls, it is also assumed that the average of contagion contacts can be controlled via intervention measures, such as confinements or isolation measures, social distance rules, use of masks, mobility constraints, etc. The main objectives of the paper are the achievement of a strictly decreasing infection for all time periods and that of the susceptible individuals over the initial period if they exceed the disease-free equilibrium value. The monitoring mechanism is the combined activation of intervention measures to reduce the contagion contacts together with the impulsive vaccination to reduce susceptibility. The susceptibility and recovery levels of the disease-free equilibrium point are suitably prefixed by the design of the regular feedback vaccination on the susceptible subpopulation.The research received support from the Spanish Government and the European commission through grant RTI2016-094336-BI00 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE)

    On the Reachability of a Feedback Controlled Leontief-Type Singular Model Involving Scheduled Production, Recycling and Non-Renewable Resources

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    This paper proposes and studies the reachability of a singular regular dynamic discrete Leontief-type economic model which includes production industries, recycling industries, and non-renewable products in an integrated way. The designed prefixed final state to be reached, under discussed reachability conditions, is subject to necessary additional positivity-type constraints which depend on the initial conditions and the final time for the solution to match such a final prescribed state. It is assumed that the model may be driven by both the demand and an additional correcting control in order to achieve the final targeted state in finite time. Formal sufficiency-type conditions are established for the proposed singular Leontief model to be reachable under positive feedback, correcting controls designed for appropriate demand/supply regulation. Basically, the proposed regulation scheme allows fixing a prescribed final state of economic goods stock in finite time if the model is reachable.RTI2018-094336-B-100 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE) and Basque Government Grant IT1207-19

    On the Use of Entropy Issues to Evaluate and Control the Transients in Some Epidemic Models

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    This paper studies the representation of a general epidemic model by means of a first-order differential equation with a time-varying log-normal type coefficient. Then the generalization of the first-order differential system to epidemic models with more subpopulations is focused on by introducing the inter-subpopulations dynamics couplings and the control interventions information through the mentioned time-varying coefficient which drives the basic differential equation model. It is considered a relevant tool the control intervention of the infection along its transient to fight more efficiently against a potential initial exploding transmission. The study is based on the fact that the disease-free and endemic equilibrium points and their stability properties depend on the concrete parameterization while they admit a certain design monitoring by the choice of the control and treatment gains and the use of feedback information in the corresponding control interventions. Therefore, special attention is paid to the evolution transients of the infection curve, rather than to the equilibrium points, in terms of the time instants of its first relative maximum towards its previous inflection time instant. Such relevant time instants are evaluated via the calculation of an “ad hoc” Shannon’s entropy. Analytical and numerical examples are included in the study in order to evaluate the study and its conclusions.This research was funded by MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE, grant number RTI2018-094902-B-C22 and the APC was funded by RTI2018-094902-B-C22

    On the Properties of a Class of Impulsive Competition Beverton–Holt Equations

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    This paper is devoted to a type of combined impulsive discrete Beverton–Holt equations in ecology when eventual discontinuities at sampling time instants are considered. Such discontinuities could be interpreted as impulses in the corresponding continuous-time logistic equations. The set of equations involve competition-type coupled dynamics among a finite set of species. It is assumed that, in general, the intrinsic growth rates and the carrying capacities are eventually distinct for the various species. The impulsive parts of the equations are parameterized by harvesting quotas and independent consumptions which are also eventually distinct for the various species and which control the populations’ evolution. The performed study includes the existence of extinction and non-extinction equilibrium points, the conditions of non-negativity and boundedness of the solutions for given finite non-negative initial conditions and the conditions of asymptotic stability without or with extinction of the solutions.This research was supported by the Spanish Government through grant RTI2018-094336-B-100 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE) and by the Basque Government through grant IT1207-19